Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Car Accidents

What is it with people these days? Are they just plain stupid? Or maybe
they just have a death wish? About 20 years ago, people respected the
roads, other drivers, adhered to traffic signs and speed limits. Today
it's a different story all together! It is upsetting to know that the
maniac drivers of today, not only land up injuring or killing
themselves, but they also injure and kill innocent well behaved road
users in the process. Now that really pisses me right off! You have a
bloody death wish if you overtake a car on a hilltop. You have no vision
of any oncoming traffic! You are endangering the people's lives in the
car you are overtaking and the people in the car coming from the front!
You should be behind bars or have your driver's license revoked for
life! Oh and for those of you who think driving at top speed is cool...
think again! There is little to zero chance of survival in the event of
a tire blow-out! Most people will loose total control of their car,
possibly killing other people to! Why can't everyone just chill out on
the roads and enjoy their trip? Bad attitude and not adhering to the
rules, put there for your safety on the roads, is like a loaded gun
waiting to kill someone and should be dealt with severely.

So how do you control this then? Car manufactures and law makers should
insist that every vehicle on the road should be fitted with a
transmitter which logs the speed of the vehicle via satellite should it
be above the set speed limit for that section of road or area. This data
and car information (car model, number plate and registered owner)
stored in the transmitter should then be relayed to the nearest traffic
control centre's, in the area. Traffic police can then be alerted to the
perpetrator, who can be pulled off the road and arrested without any
questions! The device should be tamper proof and capable of been
detected by road side police that your vehicle has such a device and
that it is fully functional. If the device is not detected in your car,
your car is illegally on the road! Emergency services on the other hand
will be exempted from such a device or have higher limits when it comes
to speed limit. As simple as that!

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